Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ RED
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ RED
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ RED
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ RED
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ BLACK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ BLACK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ BLACK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ BLACK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ PINK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ PINK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ PINK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ PINK
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ ORANGE
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ ORANGE
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ ORANGE
Balance Bike SCOUT /air wheels/ ORANGE
adjustable handlebar with soft rubber grips
Height adjustable handlebar /from 49 up to 51,5 cm/ with soft rubber grips
Sponger seat with PU leather cover
Steering limiter for added safety
10'' cool air wheels
Please check that whether the fixed parts are fixed tightly, flexible or not. If there are damaged parts change them immediately. Regularly check for loose screws.
The article adopts tubes, plastic, ticker paper and cloth, avoid being used or kept in the moisture and very cold or high temperature for a long time.
Clean the article with wet cloth.
WARNING! If the product has been used on the beach, clean it so as to remove the sand or salt from the moving parts and wheels.
This product is produced in accordance with the European Safety Standard EN 71 - Safety of toys.
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