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Baby Carriers


Company DIDIS LTD, Bulgaria withdraws from the market baby carrier “Journey” because of incompliance with EN 13209-2:2015 – there may be risk of injuries because in some pieces of baby carrier “Journey” some of the safety belts buckles are not present. Due to insufficient attachment points on the baby carrier, the support is inadequate and the baby may slip out, fall and get injured. The consumers bought this product, are asked not to use it any more. The consumers bought this product, may return it to the trader, from who they bought it. The corresponding amount for it will be refunded to them upon presentation of a payment document.

How do you decide which carrier to use?

No single baby carrier is perfect for all parents. Every parent has different needs, preferences and proportions. Many people actually begin with one type of carrier and move on to another when their babies get older.

First, think about how you plan to use a carrier. Will you use it primarily at home, instead of a stroller while away from home, or both? Do you already have a stroller, or must your carrier fill all your baby-carrying needs? Defining its purpose will help you choose which carrier is best for you. Read the package information (or talk to other parents who own a similar carrier) to learn which purposes it serves best and to determine if it matches your needs.

The very best way to decide? Try carriers on - either at the store or with a friend who owns one. Actually putting your baby in the carrier will give you the best idea as to fit, but if you are shopping without your baby (or don’t have your baby yet!) try using a stuffed animal from the toy department.

Points to consider when purchasing a carrier:

  • Comfort. Does the carrier feel good to you?
  • Fit for your baby. Does it seem to suit your baby well?
  • Fit for you. Does it fit your size and body type? Can you carry the baby without strain?
  • Safety. Will the baby be secure and well supported?
  • Features. Does it meet your needs?
  • Usability. Can you easily get your baby in and out of the carrier? How about putting it on and taking it off? Keep in mind that some models require practice.
  • Construction. Does the fabric suit your wardrobe, climate and needs (lightweight for summer, weather-proof for outdoor use)?
  • Care. Is it machine-washable or easy to wipe clean?
  • Flexibility. Can you carry your baby in various positions?
  • Adjustability. Can it be tightened or adjusted to fit you when you are at home in indoor clothing or outside wearing a coat? Can you adjust it easily for use by others?
  • Adaptability. Will it work for your baby now as well as six months from now?
  • Appearance. Do you like the style? Will you enjoy wearing it?

Choosing a baby carrier:

Most parents find a baby carrier to be invaluable during the first year of their baby's life.
Baby carriers have a seat that attaches to the front of you with straps that crisscross behind you; these straps secure the carrier to your body. Here’s what you need to know about front packs:

  • The benefits of front packs are such as being lightweight and portable, and the fact that you can carry your baby while keeping your arms and hands free.
  • Some allow you to choose between carrying your baby facing inward toward you or outward, facing the world – which is often fun for older babies.
  • Moving a sleeping baby into or out of the carrier is difficult, unless the seat is unbuckled separately from the harness.
Baby Carriers are better suited to a baby who is strong enough to hold his head upright.