FAQ /Frequently asked questions/


Things to consider when buying a stroller:

Do you live in or outside of the city?  

When you plan to go for long walks (in the country), choose a stroller with optimum comfort.

What is your living environment?  

Choose a lightweight pram or pushchair if your apartment does not have a lift. A flat-folding, freestanding stroller is practical if you have limited storage space at home.

What is your lifestyle? 

If your daily routine features lots of stairs, kerbs and public transport, consider a lightweight stroller that folds flat to put out of the way in busier places like on public transport or in restaurants. Also consider if the stroller fits your car boot and if it is not too heavy to lift.

The right stroller for you:

After deciding the main use of the stroller, look at the various types of prams, pushchairs and buggies available. Remember that small babies have different needs from older babies and toddlers. Also keep in mind you will be pushing your choice of pram or pushchair for at least 1,000 kilometers in your baby’s first year, so make sure you get a comfortable stroller that fits you perfectly.

Baby Stroller (0+):
A pram is a hooded carrycot on a generous frame and large suspension wheels for a comfortable ride. Ideal for the first couple of months (approx. 10 kg), your baby has plenty of room to lie flat and sleep. The comfort offered usually means prams are larger and less suited for frequent use on public transport or to be taken into cars. Look for carrycots that are flat folding, saving on storage space in the car. 

Baby Stroller (6+):
Buggies are suitable for children who can sit up, from around 6 months to approximately 3½ years of age. Perfect for quick everyday use, a buggy is the most compact and lightweight of strollers. Easy to steer, a buggy normally offers basic comfort and limited or no recline. 

Stroller Set:
A travel system is a combination of a pushchair (frame and seat), a carrycot for baby’s first few months and a baby car seat, which are easily fitted with special adapters supplied with the pushchair.

Features to look for in strollers:

Recline: Young babies need the back support that only fully reclining (lie-flat position) pushchairs can give. If the pushchair or buggy is not adjustable, you can use it only from the time when your baby can sit up (approx. 6 months).

Reversible seat: Seats should be easy to switch from parent-facing to forward-facing and have an adjustable footrest.

Wheels: Choose between airtyres for more comfort for your baby or puncture resistant pvc tyres. The larger the wheels the more comfortable to push, the smaller, the more manoeuvrable. Swivel wheels should be easy to lock. The stroller must be suited to negotiate a wide variety of surfaces, kerbs and stairs with ease.

Comfort: The adjustable seat should be well padded and have side support, the handles should be padded for grip.

Folding system: One of the most used feature in any stroller. Go for a stroller that folds very easily, maybe a one hand fold or a one that folds from the handles. Handy when you are out on your own and need to hold the baby while folding the stroller (to carry it onto public transport).

Compact: An unfolded pram or pushchair may take up your hallway. Consider a flat-folding, freestanding stroller to easily store at home, in the car, public transport or when out in busy places.

Weight: Lifting pushchairs up and down the stairs or from the car boot can be a challenge, consider the lightest possible weight without compromising on the sturdy qualities of a stroller.

Handles: Make sure the handles or handlebar of the pram, pushchair or buggy are adjustable to suit the height of you and your partner. They should have a comfortably soft, non-slip grip.

Ease of steering: Check how easy the stroller moves in a narrow space, when you do an about-face and when you tip it back to mount kerbs. You should be able to walk with the stroller using your normal stride without hitting your shins on the stroller.

Brake pedals: They should have a good grip on the foot pedals and easy to apply, even when wearing open-toed shoes.

Harness: The harness should be adjustable, any safety bars easily opened by parents.

Accessories: Protection from wind, rain and sun is important and you will need a shopping basket with plenty of storage space. Support pillows provide extra support for younger babies.

What safety measures should pushchairs offer?

Safety is a very important criteria that pushchairs must meet. When purchasing a pushchair make sure it is certified under standard EN 1888-2012, which is the standard establishing the safety technical requirements and test procedures for pushchairs.
A pushchair should never tip over. A four-wheeled pushchair with a bigger distance between the axles offers greater stability. The pushchair should also be fitted with a safety system preventing it from folding accidentally. The child should be held securely with a safety bar and a strap system.

How do I use the Lorelli strollers?

The indications for assembly and use of the Lorelli Strollers are found in the instruction manual issued.

From what age and for how long can the Lorelli strollers be used?

The Lorelli strollers can be used for children over 6 months or rather, for children that can sit up by themselves, until they reach a weight of 15 kg. If you want to use it with children under 6 months, you can find strollers equipped with newborn basket and/or carry cot.

Are the Lorelli strollers suitable for jogging?

No, the Lorelli strollers are not designed for jogging.

What features should pushchairs offer children and parents in their everyday use?

Babies and small children spend quite a lot of time in their prams and pushchairs. Therefore, the carrycot needs to be as comfortable as possible and big enough for the child to move about and play in it, and they should also have a stable supporting surface and a padded interior. The pushchair itself should have good suspension and a stable backrest, it should be adjustable so the child can travel sitting up or lying down and it should have a good footrest and a spacious interior.

Parents should make sure that the pushchair has a height adjustable handlebar so it can be adjusted to suit the adults who will use it. The ideal height is when your forearms are horizontal when holding the handlebar. The front wheels should be swivel wheels making it easier to handle the pushchair. A basket is also useful to carry your shopping. If parents have to lift the pushchair with the child onto the bus it is useful to have a pushchair made of aluminium as this will make it lighter. And a pushchair that is small and compact when folded can fit in the boot of the car. Covers that can be removed quickly and are washable make cleaning considerably easier.

What is the maximum weight limit for the basket on the Lorelli strollers?

The basket on the Lorelli strollers holds up to 2 kg.

My child no longer fits into the carrycot and is still unable to sit independently? What should I do?

Once your child no longer fits in the carrycot, you can use the stroller seat. This would normally be the case at around 6 months of age. If your child is still not able to sit independently, we recommend using the stroller with the seat in the reclining position.

Can I take my stroller on an airplane?

Most airline companies will permit only a single, small and fully collapsible stroller (5-7kg) in the cabin. In most cases, you will have to check in your stroller at the check-in counter. We recommend inquiring with the airline beforehand about the specific rules since they may differ per airline.