FAQ /Frequently asked questions/


Where can I find detailed information about Lorelli products?

On the Lorelli website you can find all the information concerning the features, the safety, the colors in which the current collection is available.

Where can I find the instructions for the Lorelli products?

All the Lorelli products are accompanied by an instruction manual. If you have lost it, you can download it from the Lorelli website.

Where can I find the complete catalogue of the Lorelli collection?

In the “Catalogues” section of the Lorelli website you can browse through the catalogue of the current collection on-line or to download the pdf to consult the catalogue later.

How long are the Lorelli products quaranteed for?

To see how long the warranty is valid for each of the products please, go to “Warranty” section.

Who can I speak to for assistance or ask for spare parts for a product?

For more information go to “Service” section.

How can I find my nearest Lorelli dealer?

In the „Dealer” section of the Lorelli website, you can find a list of retailers offering our products.

Is it necessary to carry out some maintenance on the product I have purchased?

In the “Customer Service” section of the Lorelli website, you can find all the information and useful advice concerning the maintenance of the products and how to keep them in good condition.

Are all Lorelli accessories compatible with all Lorelli products?

Most accessories fit all Lorelli strollers. Lorelli also offers accessories especially developed for a particular model. Find out which accessories are available for your stroller in the dedicated accessories section of each stroller on this website.

How do I attach accessories to my Lorelli stroller?

Most accessories come with user guide, which shows you how to attach the accessory to your Lorelli stroller. You can also download the latest version of the user guide you need.

Why is my Lorelli stroller no longer available?

Lorelli wants to offer innovative products. This means product updates every year. This is why some products are no longer available in our product portfolio.

Which products should we buy before and after baby’s birth?

We recommend: a combi stroller 3in1, a car seat Group 0+, a feeding high chair, a bath- changing station, a rocker, a baby cot and a baby walker.

Which products should we take on holiday?

We recommend: a car seat of the group suitable for baby’s weight, a stroller, a feeding high chair and a baby cot.